
to the home of speculative science fiction suspense author, M.J. Carlson. Or, if you’re so inclined… 


Book #2 of the Nicole Piricelli series

A madman with a knife stalks women in America’s oldest city.

Reinstated from suspension and awaiting results from her recent Detective-2 exam, Nicole and Carter hunt a serial killer concealed in the shadows of Old Town St. Augustine. Intense scrutiny by her superiors, the media, and local politicians with more to hide than broken campaign promises, puts both her career and her fledgling relationship with Carter to the test.  READ MORE…


Book #1 of the Nicole Piricelli series

It’s November, 2062. Suspended detective Nicole Piricelli and her estranged investigative reporter lover must work together to expose the true cause of death when a dozen bodies dissolve before autopsy.

Nicole is suspended pending the outcome of the investigation of a shooting death during a robbery. When she reestablishes contact with the man circumstances pulled from her life, she finds him involved in a story that could make his career — or leave both of them dead.   READ MORE…


It’s 2047 and the more things change, the more politics stays the same. Zachary Marshall is a dedicated, brilliant young scientist with a secret in his past.

Zach holds the patent for a simple, cheap test for 23 genetic conditions, including psychopathy. When the Secret Service brings a sample to the small genetic testing lab he runs with his best friend from graduate school, his life changes forever…     READ MORE…



Over the next three days, Kelvin Wilson will be hit by a car, shot, and blow up a multi-million-dollar building, and everyone he trusts will either die or betray him – and he’s the good guy.

The year is 2132. The global climate crisis has sent most of humanity’s best and brightest to giant orbiting space stations. One of those left behind is Kelvin Wilson – 25 years old and average in every way – except one…   READ MORE.



The dragons are here.

On Dragon’s Wings, will leave you sympathetic with one of literature’s most feared characters. No, it isn’t “Clippy” the former Microsoft Word mascot. On Dragon’s wings is about Death – and the little girl who bends Death to her will.

Featuring cover art by Dragon Conjurer Extraordinaire, James Artimus Owen and edited by the Wizard of Scissors, Lisa Mangum, Dragon Writers includes stories from incredible authors: Brandon Sanderson, Jody Lynn Nye, Todd McCaffrey, David Farland, John David Payne, Frank Morin, Joy Dawn Johnson, Robert J. McCarter, Aaron Michael Ritchey, Mike Jack S, Peter E Sartucci, Jace Killian, Greg Little, Nancy Greene, Tristan Brand, Adric Mayall, Peter Jones, Josh Vogt, LJ Hachmeister, Michael Angel, and Mel Koons. Read my story for free here

Best part – all profits go to The Don Hodge Memorial Scholarship for aspiring authors. Buy it here or here


In Shadows WrittenThree Two One, Wake Up by M.J. Carlson. Science fiction in the tradition of Philip K. Dick meets Jack Finney-esque horror. After a night out, Chet discovers his friends and neighbors may not really be who and what they seem. The twelve stories comprising In Shadows Written: An Anthology of Modern Horror takes us into the hearts and minds of thirteen award-winning authors. Explore a wide reach of horror fiction of the early 21st century.




Prometheus_Ever-After_v2 for web40,000 years ago, an alien civilization sent a nearly immortal probe to monitor the progress of Homo sapiens. The probe can adopt male or female form based on our DNA and is in constant contact with its home world. In this short story, the Prometheus Probe, in the form of two mysterious women tells the same Cinderella story to Giambattista Basile in 1594 and Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm in 1811. The ways cultures change and retell this story throughout time reveals humanity’s soul to those who listen. Ever After is one of the stories in The Prometheus Saga, a consortium of award-winning authors who will change the short story experience.


hurting-your-characters_ebook-wborderHurting Your Characters discusses the immediate effect of the trauma on the body, its physiologic response, including the types of nerve fibers and the sensations they convey, and how injuries feel to the character. This book also presents a simplified overview of the expected recovery times for the injuries discussed in young, otherwise healthy individuals.

Understanding the injuries they inflict on characters and realistic recuperative times for those injuries can help fiction writers establish credibility and more fully connect their readers with their characters on an emotional level. Click the cover to find out where to buy it.


Scrivener is novel writing and organizing software is designed specifically for the non-linear way writers really work. The Unofficial Scrivener Workbook is designed to work in conjunction with The Scrivener Manual and The Interactive Tutorial that came with your version of Scrivener. It explains how to set up a new project, import and organize your research, track scene elements, create custom layouts, and more with this user-friendly Scrivener workbook. The workbook is organized into twenty-six step-by-step exercises and illustrated with over fifty illustrations to aid the learning process. Click the cover to find out where to buy it.